Thrive™ Branded Products
For plants to thrive, the presence of Nitrogen(N) is an important factor, especially for turf grass. Nitrogen is a mobile element and easily leached to lower soil levels. When it is deficient, or lacking in the soil, the proteins of older leaves are converted to nitrogen which is then transported to the younger leaves. Older leaves then become light green, then yellow, and finally a copper yellow before dying. Thrive Branded Products are highly concentrated, providing an efficient source of available Nitrogen. The result is strong, sustained and green growth.
● Active Ingredients: Nitrogen (N), Urea Nitrogen
● Multiple Formulas Available

Thrive™ Advantage Professional Fertilizer
This product is a fertilizer suitable for use in any given application depending upon existing soil chemistry, turf type, and intended use of the turf area. The best results with this product are obtained when it is applied to actively growing grass, and watered into the turf soon after application. Avoid mowing immediately following application to prevent product pick-up. Sweep, brush or blow off any non-target areas to alleviate any staining or unwanted effects
● Active Ingredients: Nitrogen (N), Urea Nitrogen
● Multiple Formulas Available

Thrive™ Endurance Professional Turf Fertilizer
Thrive Endurance is a powerful solution for the pre-emergence control of both grass and broadleaf weeds in various settings, including lawns and ornamental turf (excluding golf course putting greens), as well as landscape ornamentals, established perennials, and wildflower plantings. This product is particularly effective in preventing the emergence of problematic weeds such as crabgrass, annual bluegrass, and foxtail.
The active ingredient in Thrive Endurance is Prodiamine, which serves as the key component in achieving effective weed management for a healthier and more vibrant landscape. This product is available in split or single use application with multiple bend options to choose from.
● Active Ingredients: Prodiamine
● Multiple Formulas Available

Thrive™ Dominion Professional Turf Fertilizer
Thrive Dominion fertilizer is your solution for soil-dwelling turfgrass pests. Apply this product as recommended at golf courses, airports, cemeteries, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, commercial and office complexes, shopping centers, multi-family residential complexes, golf courses, and sod farms.
This product’s active ingredient, lmidacloprid, has enough residual action to allow applications to be done before the target pests start producing eggs. Applications made before or during the egg-laying phase can result in high levels of control. The necessity of an application should be based on past site monitoring, records or experiences, adult trapping during the current season, or other techniques. Applications made before the target pest’s egg hatch will result in control.
● Active Ingredients: Imidaclopid Plus Turf Fertilizer
● Multiple Formulas Available
Custom Products
Mears Fertilizer, Inc. can produce and package custom products specific to your needs.