Agricultural Fertilizer
In 1966, over 50 years ago, Mears Fertilizer, Inc. started out as a fertilizer dealer serving the needs of farmers. Today, though we are no longer a fertilizer dealer, we have a unique understanding of the daily challenges agricultural fertilizer dealers face, while providing quality products and services to their customers.
Turf & Ornamental Fertilizer
We know keeping your turf & ornamentals in pristine condition is important to you and it’s just as important to us at Mears. Although we are agricultural based, our expertise extends well beyond that function. When you need products to maintain turf or keep beauty in bloom, trust Mears’ innovative solutions to deliver.
Ice Melt & De-Icers
For over 20 years, Mears has specialized in a wide variety of high-performance de-icers for residential and commercial markets. Mears is dedicated to keeping your parking lots and walkways safe.