LongevitySL™ Turf Fertilizer

Get green turf all season long with one application! LongevitySL is made using the latest in PCSU technology with the highest quality components, and is formulated to effectively feed turf for six months or more. Turf professionals now have an easy way to save time and money with just one fertilizer application. Great for the environment and your bottom line!

Reduce Costs
Save money on fuel and labor costs by making one fertilizer application per season instead of many.

Less Clippings
Unlike ordinary fertilizers, LongevitySL helps avoid growth flushes from sudden nitrogen release. Save money with reduced mowing and clipping disposal costs.

Environmentally Friendly
Polymer coating technology slowly meters nutrients to the turf which reduces losses to environment, atmosphere, or groundwater.

Satisfied Customers
Your customers get beautiful turf, without the typical peaks and valleys of growth associated with standard fertilizer programs.

● Active Ingredients: Nitrogen (N); Soluble Potash (K2O)
● Multiple Formulas Available